Unity released Ad-units in July of 2021, they allow for a couple of benefits to your projects, focused around making it easier to manage large volumes of placements and settings as well as preparing you for future Unity updates.
Here are 7 key benefits to take note of:
Apply the same settings across multiple placements at once
Have a waterfall with 20 unity placements? You can now apply the same settings across all of them with one action.
2. Split your reporting in different ways,
For example if you’d like to group a set of placements by surfacing point in your game, simply move them to a single ad-unit and see the aggregated performance by a single ad-unit.
3. Create Placements and set Targets in the same place!
You no longer need to go to two separate pages in order to adjust or save both settings. That’s a 30% reduction in clicks.
4. Multiple placement creation
Easily create multiple placements within the placement management page, where you can create as many different placements as you’d like at once.
5. Format reporting
You can now see what your average eCPM is or fill rate for a specific format such as rewarded video, banners or interstitial. This can help you decide which format works best for you game.
6. Moving placements,
If you want to move a placement to a different ad-unit you can! Just click move Ad-unit and select which ad-unit you want to move to.
7. Target level reporting
Confirm at a glance on the placement management page if your targets are performing as desired. Then, use the project reporting page to deep dive into the data to identify key drivers of performance.