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Finance & Invoice FAQS
Amanda Knupp avatar
Written by Amanda Knupp
Updated over a week ago

Your Finance History shows the breakdown of credits and debits to your account, including your monthly publisher earnings. Here is an explanation of the most common types of transactions you might also see as part of your Finance history.

  • Estimated Earnings: The estimated revenue accrued thus far, which is subject to change when the revenue amount is verified for accuracy and adjustments are applied at the end of every month.

  • Earnings: The revenue that is paid out to the publisher as part of their ad serving agreement.

  • Adjustments: A common component of the ad ecosystem, adjustments are standard business reconciliations that commonly occur at the close of each month, and commonly refer to:

    • (i) any commissions, incentives, or fees due to, or revenue share to third parties related to the Ads.

    • (ii) refunds to demand partners

    • (iii) payment processing or transaction fees

    • (iv) adjustments, chargebacks and bad debt, and or (v) taxes (other than taxes payable on Unity net income).

  • Bonus: Additional revenue payout beyond traditional earnings, usually organized with your Client Partner.

  • Automated Payout: This means you are setup for automatic payouts versus manual payouts.

You can find more information in our Revenue and Payments section of documentation.

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